Sexual pleasure describes the good and pleasant feelings that can be associated with sexual experiences. These feelings often come from sexual contact, but can also come from thoughts and fantasies.

You can give yourself and your partner sexual pleasure when you

  • caress each other or yourself,
  • kiss your partner and let yourself be kissed,
  • touch your partner with your tongue or let yourself be touched by your partner's tongue …

Sexual pleasure arises through touch on many parts of the body. Some places are particularly sensitive. These places are called erogenous zones. These are, for example:

Man's front with indication of the erogenous zones
Man's back with indication of the erogenous zones
Woman's front with indication of the erogenous zones
Woman's back with indication of the erogenous zones

Each time and each person is different

Sex can be different every time and for every couple. Talk to your partner about what you both like and how you like it (tender or firm, slow or fast, with your fingers, lips, or tongue...).

You can have sexual intercourse, but this is not essential for sexual pleasure. You can also simply enjoy being intimate with one another: cuddling, caressing, talking, enjoying each other's closeness...

If you are very aroused, you can have an orgasm but it's also possible that you won't have an orgasm. This is not a problem if you and your partner are not unhappy about it.

Couple talking in bed

Protection against STIs

You can also experience sexual pleasure when you use a condom. Use a condom to protect against STIs.

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