Partner violence is any form of violence between 2 people who have an emotional and/or sexual bond (relationship). Partner violence often shows that there is no equality between the partners.

Violence between partners is forbidden by law

Partner violence can happen in all classes and cultures of society.

Kinds of partner violence

There are 4 kinds of partner violence:

  • Psychological violence, for example: insults, humiliation, threats or ignoring your partner. 
  • Physical violence, for example: beating, kicking, rough treatment, forcing your partner to perform or endure harmful acts (for instance: having to bathe in too-hot water).
  • Sexual violence, for example: forcing your partner to have sex (rape), forcing him/her to watch pornography
  • Economic violence, for example: deciding what to do with yours or your partner’s money against his/her will, providing insufficient household money, denying him/her necessary material goods. 

Solving partner violence

When a discussion threatens to end in violence, go to a safe place, even if it is only for a short time. Once you are safe, you can think about what you need and what you can do. 

It is hard to solve partner violence on your own. partner violence is likely to happen more than once. Get in touch with professional services, like your doctor, the police or crisis care centres. If you want, you can ask a person you trust to accompany you. You can also call the helpline for partner violence. 

Professionals will listen to you without judging you. They also respect your privacy.

If you want to end the violence, you do not necessarily have to end your relationship or leave your partner. Whatever decision you make, always think about your own (and your children’s) safety and wellbeing. 

If you feel less self-confident, guilty or ashamed, do not blame yourself. These feelings often result from partner violence. 

If you are an offender, you can find help to stop you from repeating partner violence in the future. Look for professional help. 

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