Man’s internal sexual organs

A man’s internal sexual organs are:

A man’s internal sexual organs are: 1. Testicles, 2. Epididymides, 3. Sperm ducts, 4. Prostate, 5. Seminal vesicles.


A man has two testicles (1). They sit in the scrotum. One testicle may be slightly smaller than the other and may hang a bit lower.

The testicles produce sperm (sperm cells).


Each testicle is connected to an epididymis (2). The epididymis collects the sperm produced by the testicle.

Sperm ducts

Each epididymis is connected to a sperm duct (3). The two sperm ducts carry the sperm to the prostate (4).


The prostate (4) is a gland situated under the bladder. It is about the size of a walnut.

The prostate produces liquid. Before an orgasm, this liquid mixes with the sperm.

Seminal vesicles

Men have two seminal vesicles (5). They are connected to the sperm ducts. The seminal vesicles also produce liquid that mixes with the sperm.

The sperm and the liquids from these glands make up the semen (seminal fluid).

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