Penis hygiene

It’s best to wash your penis every day.

If you are not circumcised, also clean the glans underneath your foreskin. To do this, pull your foreskin back and wash the glans with warm water and a little soap. In some boys and men, the glans is sensitive to soap. In that case, it is best to use unperfumed soap or not use soap at all.

A white deposit may form under the foreskin. This deposit is called smegma. It is smelly and contains bacteria, skin cells and urine residues. It can make the glans inflamed (balanitis). During unprotected sexual intercourse or oral sex, the bacteria can be passed on to the partner.

Some men shave off their pubic hair. This is not necessary for good hygiene.

Man washing the glans of his penis by pulling the foreskin back. He does not use soap.
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